Leprechaun story

A story Alex spontaneously wrote today. She said she got some of the ideas from a book they are reading in school, but assured me that she made up parts of it herself :)

My Book
By Alex

Chapter 1
The Mystery
When I was sitting in my chair.
I saw something green.
Something that had a green hat and shoes with buckles.
And it was a Leprechaun!
That was bad.
Because we have a party and the leprechaun will mess up everything!
And then the Leprechaun speaked and he said what are you

I said I am going to tell the teacher now.
No no wait said the leprechaun don't tell the teacher, she'll kill me

and if she kills me you will feel sad after that.
No I won't I said to the leprechaun.
Oh yes you will said the leprechaun.

I asked Alex what will happen to the leprechaun, she said I had to wait to find out, she is going to finish the story another time.

My Book

Alex made this adorable book for us today. The faces in the word "book" are her and Liam. She is learning a lot about writing stories now in school, and each week she has to write a 5 sentence paper including a title, opening sentence and wrap up sentence (I'll get them back at the end of the year and add them to the blog too).

Chapter 1
My Family
I like my family.
All of my people in my family are my mom and dad and little brother and me.

Chapter 2
All about me
I like pink milk.
I like to play on the playground.
I like to play soccer.

Chapter 3
My Chickens
We have chickens.
I love my chickens.
They lay eggs.
But they are not eggs that have baby chickens.




Her famous bowl of fruit

A vase of flowers that she copied from a real vase of flowers

Detailed Face

Alex actually drew this in school. The face is a lot more detailed than her normal style of a triangular nose and round eyes. The bottom of the page had the name Mary Cassatt, she must be studying her in school.

I love




Spelling Tests

Random stuff

made for Liam

Alex wanted to make something colorful for Liam to look at. She couldn't find her crayons, so found a pen and some stamps she had. She likes to hold it in front of Liam for him to look at.


self portraits

Alex draws herself a lot these days. Most of the pictures have some standards, see below:

Alex started off explaining this picture to me by saying how she didn't like it because the head was way too big for the body, but then continued to tell me that someone in her class saw it today and told her she was a really good artist...then she looked at me and gave me a big smile.

love notes


Alex is in a Chinese immersion program at her school, Wasatch. She is doing great, and fills out tons of these sheets each week. I just scanned in a few.